Start planning your conversion to SAP S/4HANA now!
SAP S/4HANA system delivers wide range of innovation opportunities. It however at the same time represents headache for some customers as the time when the conversion should happen is approaching very quickly. Why is this the case?
The project of moving your system(s) to SAP S/4HANA has multiple new aspects that need to be considered on top of regular upgrade exercise, that you did in the past:
- Migration to SAP HANA database,
- Simplification of the whole application including discontinuation of certain functionalities – this area brings requirements for additional configuration tasks (like business partners, new asset accounting, settlement management etc.),
- New user experience (FIORI),
- Custom code alignment – driven from the move to HANA but equally from the changed data model,
- Opportunities to utilize new set of SAP cloud services (from S/4HANA cloud to SAP cloud platform),
- etc.
All of the above and more makes the coming conversion not an easy task to perform. We therefore strongly recommend start preparing for it ASAP.
So do not wait till the last minute and contact us now. We can start with initial assessment and relevant knowledge sharing sessions.